Ideal Indian School observed World Food Day on 16 th October,2022 to commemorate the foundation of the Food and Agricultural organization (FAO) of the United Nations. In connection with the ‘The world Food Day’, the boys’ section, Science department has organized various activities in Boys section premises conveying the message of healthy eating and healthy living. Classes of 5 & 6 have arranged a mini food display based on the theme “Cooking without fire” and classes of 7 & 8 have a section of ‘Salad Dressing’ in the food display by extending the awareness about the value of quality food in which more than 120 students participated. Students have prepared different types of food and arranged them neatly by bringing the awareness of how good food brings the people together. Mr. Sheikh Shamim Shaheb, the principal motivated the boys by reminding the importance of healthy and nutritious food.