I am pleased to announce that the Ideal Indian school is bringing out IIS-TIMES, an e-Magazine portal to reach the school’s stakeholders through digital media. I believe that reading is one of the most enriching activities of an Individual. It invokes an inspiration for our lives and shapes our personalities. The shift in information and communication technology brought us very close to social media. In the wake of the digital revolution, it is imperative for the school to become an effective member of the online community and connect with the stakeholders through digital media.
IIS-TIMES takes the benefits of digital media to motivate the students, parents, and teachers in sharing their proficiency in their different skills with the community. IIS-TIMES further, aims to build bridges between community and school to ignite the passion for learning, and draws inspiration from the community leaders to learn innovative teaching and learning practices. The e-Magazine is a platform that connects the IIS stakeholders with the global community.
I am sure the E-magazine Portal brings the best content for its readers that would span the areas like Education, Health, Sports, Visual Arts, Performing Arts, Science, Technology, Artificial Intelligence, Pedagogy, Psychology, and so on. Guest publications are an added feature of this magazine that helps authors across the globe to share their views through the creative expression of I wish the Editorial Board a successful inauguration of the First edition and their efforts in making IIS-TIMES a reader-friendly portal. My best wishes to students, parents, and Teachers for their efforts in creating the content for the IIS-TIMES. Wish you a joyful reading.

(Chairmanand Managing Director Ideal Indian School)
The whole world is in a mood of transition and it is reflected in the field of education also. Covid pandemic situation ushered in a series of changes in the mode of functioning of educational institutions which brushed its shoulders with the latest technology. It is reflected in their efforts to ensure quality education for the students. In tune with this change, the print medium of publication has been shifted to the digital mode. I have a great pleasure to write my message for the E-Magazine, the first venture of Ideal Indian School in this direction. It is an attempt to keep abreast of the developments around us.
Indeed Ideal Indian School, as its name implies, stands to set models for others to emulate. It aims at the highest academic standard with its foundation deeply rooted in value and education transacted in the best possible manner. The E-Magazine is an attempt to set the same model in showcasing young talents it has in its folds. I wish all the best for the success of this mission that turns the course of Ideal Indian School into the way envisaged by its well-wishers.

Dr. Hassan Kunhi M P
President, Ideal Indian School
Sow a thought, and you reap an action; sow an act, and you reap a habit; sow a habit, and you reap a character; sow a character, and you reap a destiny.’’ Ralph Elda Emerson
This inspiring quote has kindled the process of learning at IIS, the rapid changes in the 21st century encompassing all spheres of human life need to be included in the classroom learning process, which enables the learner to be equipped with the competencies of this ever-changing world. At IIS, our team has constantly been working with students to make them confident learners with the holistic teaching and learning approach. Teaching is not just confined to the classrooms and textbooks; at IIS, we integrate teaching with life lessons and changes evolving in the 21st century; it shall be beyond the books. We believe in empowering learners with scientific temper and inquiry, which inspire them to explore innovative ways of learning.
The holistic development of a learner is inconclusive without co-scholastic activities. Sports, performing, and visual arts are given equal importance in the curriculum. IIS has the best infrastructure to cater to the needs of different age groups. While emphasizing religious values and moral conduct, IIS unfailingly strives to promote veneration for other cultures, beliefs, and Universal brotherhood. We wish you joyful schooling and welcome you to IIS.