VIGILANCE AWARENESS WEEK (03.11.2024 – 07.11.2024)
The observance of Vigilance Awareness Week is undertaken to encourage all countrymen to collectively participate in the prevention of, and to fight against corruption, and to raise public awareness regarding the existence, causes, gravity and threat posed by corruption. In schools observing vigilance awareness is aimed at promoting integrity, transparency, and accountability among students and staff. In persuit of the vision of the Government of India, Ideal Indian School observed ‘Vigilance Awareness Week – 2024 (03.11.2024 – 07.11.2024) on the theme ‘Culture of Integrity for Nation’s Prosperity’. Various activities were conducted to create awareness among the students regarding the importance of building an honest and corruption free society wherein every individual lives with integrity and contributes to the development of the nation. The programme started with a morning assembly for the students, including prayer, news reading, Vigilance Awareness Pledge and a speech about ‘Culture of integrity for Nations Prosperity’. A motivational speech was delivered in the morning assembly by Master Shan Shoukath of class 9-C. An integrity pledge was read by Master Safin Parkar of 11 A and all the students, teachers, and staff repeated the pledge. The Department of Social Science conducted various activities such as Poster Making, Slogan Writing, Skit/ Role Play on the topic “Fight Against Corruption” for the classes 5-8. The initiative often focuses on raising awareness about corruption and unethical practices, encouraging students to develop a sense of responsibility and moral values.