Am I a Helicopter Parent?

These days we hear about different styles of parenting. Today, let us take some time to reflect and see if our style of parenting fall under the category of helicopter parenting.

What is a helicopter parenting? Helicopter parents pay close watch on their kids’ activities in an effort not only to protect them but help the children succeed. Helicopter parents gets extremely involved in every aspect of their children’s lives. The term helicopter parent was first coined in a 1969 book titled “Between Parent & Teenager.” Dr. Michelle M. Reynolds a clinical psychologist says, “These parents tend to be overprotective and worry excessively about their children.” As a parent it is a natural feeling to protect your children.

As for any style of parenting, the helicopter parenting too has it’ s own pros and cons. At times the term helicopter parenting is used in a disrespectful attitude, but it is not always bad. Most of the time you see the children of helicopter parents are well prepared for activities whether it is academic or co-curricular. Their children receive sufficient support and guidance as required with whatever going on in their lives. Helicopter parents always pay attention to the issues their children have and work relentlessly to ensure the issues are addressed in properly manner.

Now to speak of the drawbacks with this style it is important to mention that most of the time as parents intervene on the first sign of trouble and this seriously affects problem solving skills of children. Helicopter parents do a lot much for their children and ultimately the children become over dependent on the parents. Helicopter parenting is mostly done out of love, but it can affect the parent – child relationship. Children might feel that you are constantly nagging them and may not feel positive of your involvement.

It is important to know that there will be situations where you are not available to help the children deal with. As parents we should train children in such a way that they can survive without support from the us and of course, these needs to be done in an age-appropriate manner. “Learning to fail and bounce back while parents are around to support them will help children build these skills when their parents are not close by,” says Dr. Reynolds.

Lizbeth Manoj

Parent of Antony Manoj Madamana, 5 E

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