Youth Festival – Kalanjali 2022

Media Pen in association with Ideal Indian School and 98.6 organized Kalanjali 2022 from 12 to 16 September to identify the stars of future.
17 Indian Schools, 980 students competed in 4 stages for 3 days in 66 various items.
On closing Ceremony H.E.Dr.Deepak Mittal, Ambassador of India to Qatar handed over the Rolling Trophy for Overall Champions of Kalanjali 2022 and appreciated all participants and schools. On addressing the gathering H.E appreciated the concept and aim of Kalanjali, bringing togetherness, gathering and relationships. Ambassador upraised the ambience of venue arrangements and the way of organizing Kalanjali 2022.
MES Indian School won the Rolling Trophy scoring 229 points followed by Birla Public School and Ideal Indian School. Sivapriya from Birla Public School won the title of Kalathilakam and Abhinav Krishna from Birla Public School was the Kalaprathibha of Kalanjali 2022.Prizes were distributed for all winning participants of Kalanjali 2022. Judges were honoured on the occasion of Closing Ceremony followed by various cultural programs by students and teachers of different schools.
Mr.Hassan Chougule,Chairman of Kalanjali, Dr.Hassan Kunji,President Kalanjali, Mr.Anwar Hussain, Media Coordinator Kalanjali,Mr.Shaik Shamim Saheb, Convener Kalanjali,Mr.Binukumar, General Convener Kalanjali,Mr.Mohammed Ibrahim, Associate Coordinator were present on this occasion.

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