M.E.S. Indian School, Doha-Qatar, Department of Hindi & Biology, conducted a training program for teachers of various schools as a part of the Qatar chapter capacity building program 2024 on 7th September 2024 at Conference Hall M.E.S. Indian School from 8.15 am to 12.00 pm. Ms.  Shyma, and Ms. Afsiyath

T. S, Biology teachers from IDEAL Indian School, Qatar attended the program. 

The program began with a prayer. The program was introduced by Mrs. Pradnya Pande, Mrs. Sibi John, and Mrs. Mary Cynthia. Mrs. Renuka G,  HOD of Hindi and Mrs. Vijayalakshmi, HOD of  Biology, welcomed the gathering. The inaugural address was delivered by Dr. Hameeda Kadar, Principal, M.E.S.

Indian School. Followed by a photo session. 

After that, biology orientation was conducted in the girls’ section classroom. The speakers were Ms. Tulika and Ms. Shifanath, teachers of the science department at M.E.S. Indian School. 

Ms. Tulika spoke on the topic “How to Integrate Sustainable Development Goals in Biology.” She discussed the 17 Sustainable Development Goals by the UN. The Sustainable Development Goals are the blueprint to achieve a better and more sustainable future for all. They address the global challenges we face, including those related to poverty, inequality, climate change, environmental degradation, peace, and justice. The 17 goals are all interconnected, and in order to leave no one behind, it is important that we achieve them all by 2030.

 The orientation focused on methods to convey the importance and the connection of these with biology to students. The session was activity-based, including goal tree making and identification of goals from symbols. The session was very engaging. 

The next session started after a break. The next resource person was Ms. Shifanath, biology teacher, science department, M.E.S. Indian School. The topic was “Competency-based learning in biology: Enhancing student mastery and engagement.” Competency-Based Education is a student-centered methodology of instruction that incorporates elements of constructivist philosophy, skills education, and flexible learning models. Competency-based teaching methods differ from traditional teaching methods in pacing, structure, and goals. The key principles were to focus on the outcome, mastery-based progression, personalized learning, authentic assessment, and student agency. This method seeks to equip students with skills they can apply rather than have them memorize information that they could forget once they finish a course.

 Afterwards, an interactive session was conducted, followed by the distribution of certificates to all the participants. The program came to an end by 12.00pm.

The sessions were engaging and informative.