Educational Visit to KAHRAMAA Water Laboratory: Ideal Indian School students recently visited the KAHRAMAA Water Laboratory, responsible for monitoring the quality of drinking water distributed throughout Qatar. The lab, equipped with cutting-edge technology for Physical, Chemical, and Microbiological analysis, ensures the nation receives safe drinking water.
During the visit, the students had an interactive session with Senior Microbiologist Dr. Imdadul Hoque, who outlined KAHRAMAA’s mission and vision. Interactive video sessions covered the seawater purification process, aligned with KAHRAMAA’s goal of providing high-quality and sustainable electricity and water for better living in Qatar.
The purification process involves collecting seawater and conducting activities such as evaporation, condensation, distillation, and desalination. Following the lecture, students, divided into groups, participated in a demonstration on pH, turbidity, and conductivity led by lab technicians Mr. Ben and Mr. Ahdi. Special sessions covered various bacteria types, microbial growth, colony counting, and advanced quality-checking equipment.
The students left inspired, having gained valuable insights into Qatar’s water purification efforts. Overall, the experience enriched their understanding of how Qatar ensures potable water for its residents.