ANECX-QATAR, Alumni of NSS College of Engineering Palakkad, organized an Interschool Quiz Competition and Science Exhibition, AARAVAM 2024, on Friday, 31st May 2024 at Birla Public School Auditorium. The quiz competition was conducted in two rounds- a preliminary round and a final round. 46 Students of Ideal Indian School including boys and girls participated in the preliminary round. Afrin Salma of Class XI F, T. Shivani of Class X J, Nakul of Class VIII B were qualified for the finals. Students from different schools in Qatar participated in the quiz, in which Delhi Public school got the first prize. Students of Ideal Indian School secured 4th position in the quiz competition. The different categories of competitions for science exhibition were still model, working model and project. Two teams of 6 members from IIS participated for the exhibition. Students of girls’ section constructed a still model on the theme, Green Desert. Students of boys’ section constructed a working model on the theme, Sustainable Energy for Future World.