Space and the Future of Humanity

“Space and the Future of Humanity”

Indian Cultural Centre is the official body of Indian expatriate community
functioning under the patronage of Embassy of India for the purpose of advancement of sports,
social, and cultural activities of the Indian community in Qatar. ICC had organized a seminar
titled “Space and the Future of Humanity” by renowned scientist Dr.Shivathanu Pillai on
14th September 2024.24 students of Ideal Indian School students got a great opportunity to
have a session with the Father of Brahmos. Teachers of IIS Ms Tanushree Sharma from boy’s
section and Ms Anjana from girl’s section accompanied the students. The session explored
humanity’s potential in space exploration and colonization, emphasizing technological
advancements and the implications of our future.

Dr.Sivathanu Pillai is an Indian scientist who formerly served as honory
distinguished professor at Indain Space research organization and adjunct faculty member at
IIT Delhi. He formerly served as Chief Controller of Research and Development from year
1996 to 2014 and held the rank of “Distinguished Scientist” from year 1999 to 2014 at
the Defence Research and Development Organisation at the Ministry of Defence Research and
Development Organisation at the Ministry of Defence of the Republic of India. He is also the
founder- CEO and managing director of the BahMos Aerospace Limited Dr.Pillai started the
session by engaging students in an interactive discussion on the universe. A significant portion
of the talk focused on the formation of the Earth,the Big Bang Theory,He highlighted the
significance of the number 108 by elaborating the relationship between the sun,the moon and
the earth.Dr.Sivathanu Pillai provided an insightfull history of rocket science.He expressed his
optimism about India’s growing role in the global space race.He highlighted key space
missions like Chandrayaan and the Mars Orbiter Mission and explained how India is emerging
as a hub for space research and satellite launches. He also touched on why locations like
Thumba and Sriharikota were chosen as India’s main rocket launch centers.

In addition to space science,Dr.Pillai discussed the progress in various techonological
fields,including quantum computing,technology,nanotechnology and their applications in the
areas like medicine,surgery, and agriculture.Dr.Pillai introduced students to the concept of
“super human”,man-planet conflicts and the next 100 years of aerospace missions.Dr.Pillai
addressed critical environmental issues such as rising CO2 levels,ozone depletion, and global
warming.He outlined possible solutions,including the applications of green technology.

The session concluded with an engaging question and answer segment.His insightful responses
motivated students to explore careers in space science and technology.Dr.Sivathanu Pillai’s
session provided comprehensive view of the future of humanity in space,offering students a
clear vision of India’s role in space exploration.Overall it was an enriching experience for the
students which enable the students to know more about space.