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In a spectacular ceremony held recently at the school, the students’ councils of Boys’, Girls’, and Junior Sections for the year 2023-24 were administered the oath of their office by Dr. Hassan Kunhi M.P, President of Ideal Indian School. Principal Mr. Shaik Shamim Saheb, Heads of Sections, and Heads of Departments attended the ceremony.

Members of the Student Councils are:

Boys’ Section: Head Boy – Ahmed Mohammed Faisal, Asst. Head Boy-Gouri Shanker, Cultural Secretary- Akshay Kerthi, Asst. Cultural Secretary- Muhammed Arsh, Sports Secretary -Abdul Latif, Asst. Sports Secretary – Mohammed Affan, Head Prefect-Abin Kuriakose Biju, Head Scout – Bhavith Babu, Asst. Head Scout-Mohammed Taiyyabuddin Abubaker.

Girls’ Section: Head Girl – Mary Stenicka Fernando, Asst. Head Girl-Shreya Saravanan, Cultural Secretary-Ananditha Devi, Sports Secretary- Minha Binth Mohammed, Asst. Cultural Secretary-Swathi Gireesh Kumar, Asst. Sports Secretary-Lehen Shah, Head Prefect – Fathimath Hisana, Head Guide- Akshaya Jayakhosh and Asst. Head Guide- Fathima Zia.

Apart from these, Prefects, House Captains, Vice Captains, and Sports Captains from the four Houses of Boys’, Girls’, and Junior Sections were also sworn into their offices. Activity Coordinators, House Coordinators and Housemistresses were also inducted on the occasion. Ms. Uma Maheswari, Ms. Preethi A.K, and Mr. Anwar Sadath are the Activity Coordinators of Junior, Girls’, and Boys’ Sections respectively.

The new members were then presented with their badges, and they took an oath to uphold the values of the school, be honest, responsible, and committed to serving the student body.

In his keynote address President, Dr. Hassan Kunhi M.P. appreciated and congratulated the newly elected members. He urged the council members to work collaboratively with each other and lead by example and conduct themselves with honesty and integrity to create a positive impact on the school community and beyond. Principal Mr. Shaik Shamim Saheb in his speech reminded the students of their responsibilities towards their school, fellow students, their country, and the world at large.

Mary Stenicka Fernando, Head Girl welcomed the gathering and Head Boy Ahmed Mohammed Faisal proposed a vote of thanks. Mr. Masarath Jehan compered the program.

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