Once upon a time there was a young little boy name Jack who loved video
games. He spent all of his free time playing video games and nothing else.
One day Jack’s father noticed that his son was becoming lazy and
unmotivated. He knew that something had to be done ,so he took away his video
game and told him that he would not get them back until he started working hard
at school.
At first Jack was angry and upset and he didn’t want work hard in
school. He certainly didn’t want to do it without his beloved video game. But as
time went on Jack started to realize that hard work was the key to success. he
began studying more and to his surprise he was doing better in school.
Eventually he started getting good grades and he was even
recognised by his teacher. His father was happy to see how much Jack had
Jack had learned a valuable lesson – HARD WORK WAS THE KEY TO