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IIS STUDENTS VISIT QATAR OLYMPIC AND SPORTS MUSEUM: Students of the Boys Section of IIS who have elected Physical Education as their optional subject recently experienced an inspiring and educational visit to the Qatar Olympic and Sports Museum. This trip was organized to provide students with an in-depth understanding of the history of sports and the Olympic movement, while also encouraging physical fitness and teamwork.

The visit began with a warm welcome from the museum staff, followed by a comprehensive guided tour of the museum’s exhibits. Students explored the Olympic Gallery, which chronicles the evolution of the Olympic Games from ancient times to the modern era. They also visited the Athletes’ Hall of Fame, where they learned about the lives and achievements of legendary athletes from around the world.

One of the highlights of the visit was the Interactive Sports Zone, where students engaged in hands-on activities and sports simulations. This interactive experience not only made learning fun but also emphasized the importance of physical activity and a healthy lifestyle.

Mr. Mohamed Nowfal VM, Head of Physical Education, and Vijayant Thapa coordinated the trip and accompanied the students.

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